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4 Hard Facts to Realise About Workouts

It is all about mastering the basics to get that much wanted at a gym. Let us look at some of the basic training essentials, exercise tips and weightlifting basics to reap maximum benefits from your gym schedule. It is not about those supplements, diet plans and new workout technology only. That comes in much later, initially it is about some basic concepts of exercising in the gym.

The first pointer is to commit for a long term. It is wrong to exercise with a short term goal in mind. For example, it is not about losing those 40 pounds in 12 weeks but it is about getting fit and regaining health in the long run. Focus on the long term results and not on immediate benefits from the workout. Change your perspective, it is not a “big deal” to live healthy and go to gym. It is ‘normal’ to take care of your body.

Secondly, you should set a schedule for the training routine. This will bring in regularity in terms of consistency to the exercise regime. A schedule will keep you motivated and inspired to exercise and this is what sets you apart as a professional from the amateurs. Instead of organizing other activities first and then fitting in your exercise schedule, it should be other way around. Fix your exercising routine and then plan your day around it. Do not let occasional emergencies keep you from working out, before you know it, you miss 1 workout and end up missing 4 weeks of gym. A set schedule pulls you back instantly to that one hour at the gym.
Thirdly, you should focus on the best exercises for you. Many exercisers waste their time jumping around the gym goalless, without concentrating in the handful of exercises which benefit you best. Talk to you instructor and understand which exercise suits you best and shall give you best results.

Lastly, start with light weight exercises before you move onto intensive workouts. Train yourself well and build up your capacity before taking on hard intense workouts.


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