this devil possess all the power to ruin your diet routine and your
own personal fitness journey. Here are some of the ways to keep sugar
craving in check and move forward towards a healthier lifestyle:
no to processed foods
a 2013 study from Connecticut College, researchers confirmed that
Oreos could be as addictive as cocaine, after observing how the
popular cookie affected lab rats' behaviour and brains.
researches and studies have indicated that sugar and processed foods
are as addictive as heroine or cocaine. Eating sugar artificially
stimulates a region of your brain called the nucleus accumbens to
produce dopamine, the pleasure neurotransmitter.
next type you are tempted to pick a pack of processed food item, try
considering this fact.
Plenty of water
are instances when our body needs water but we take it as sugar
craving. Drinking a cup of light sweetened Green tea can also
sometimes work favourably. This
way, your sweet taste is satisfied, and you won't want a dessert.
your Blood Sugar stable
to small, healthy body ecology meals instead of three large portions
can help in controlling dips in blood sugar. The breakfast and
evening meal should include some gluten free grain-like seeds. If
you do this, your body will produce more serotonin, you'll feel
happier, and you'll sleep much better at night.
plenty of Greens
to include greens in your diet. Full of nutrition, it also helps in
reducing the sugar cravings and keeping your healthy.
fermented foods and drinks
has been found that the fermented foods and drinks are the best way
to keep sugar craving in check. It quite effective and the customers
have found that things like coconut kefir can actually nix
sugar cravings in about 4-5 days! The sour taste has got the power to
eliminate or reduce the instensity of sugar or sweet cravings and
hence prove to be quite helpful.
but not the least, include some exercises in your regime. Studies
have found that the ones who exercise daily have a considerable
control over sugar cravings than the ones who don't.
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