Crossfit Gear Online With the holiday season on the way, the parties are sure to come along. This means there will be a lot of time you will be spending away from the gym. Actually, holidays can be much more fun and a lot less lonely to make the workout a lot beneficial. Build a Smart Training Schedule It is always advised to structure your training so you can take proper rest on the days when you wish to spend time with friends and family. This is a great way by which you do not have to forgo any gym sessions when you have visitors at your door. Stagger Your Calories When going for a holiday, it is best to stagger your entire calorie intake as a few days prior to a family gathering, lower your calorie intake as you know there will be a lot of things to eat. Eating in an appropriate manner that includes a schedule of planned low and high-calorie days can work to your fat-burning advantage. Increase Training Intensity In case you are already on a high-intens...